Wirex Brings Back Card Spending in Europe Integrated Cryptocurrency and Multi-Currency Accounts Available Now

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Wirex today announces the return of cryptocurrency spending to Europe, with the launch of the first ever multi-currency accounts. Offering speedy exchange between fiat and cryptocurrencies, customers can then use Wirex’s new current account and contactless debit cards to spend their money.

Wirex is currently the only provider in Europe to allow spending in cash, converted from cryptocurrencies and has now integrated its debit cards into its multi-currency (GBP, EUR, USD) accounts to make shopping even easier and quicker than before.

Cumbersome cryptocurrency exchanges can now be bypassed for a much more secure and speedy all-in-one account, saving time and effort. The new integrated accounts provide the flexibility of traditional financial services – such as bank-to-bank transfers – with access to real Bitcoins.

Pavel Matveev, CEO, Wirex said:

“Wirex is the only provider in Europe right now to offer crypto, converted into fiat for everyday spending on cards. Transactions in stores, buying goods online or withdrawing money from ATMs just got much easier.

“We were the first to bring such cards to the world and now we’re the first to bring converted cryptocurrency accounts with new contactless debit cards.”

Wirex Accounts

Wirex Cards – cryptocurrencies converted to fiat before loading cards

Debit Card provision

Wirex Accounts represent a significant improvement over all previously available cryptocurrency offerings. The Wirex current account comes with genuine debit cards, an innovative step to provide much greater merchant acceptance in the UK and across Europe.

UK accounts and cards are immediately available 

Wirex has more than 1.5 million customers around the world. We are keen to quickly deliver our upgraded offering seamlessly. Consequently, the new accounts and cards are available according to the following schedule:

Country Availabilities

UK:                 available 09 March 2018

EU countries:                 end of March

Sign up for your new multi-currency accounts’ cards here

Japan and South East Asia account available soon

Accounts and cards for Asian customers are coming soon and will be available shortly after delivery to EU countries. Phasing in delivery by regions ensures a stable and secure service globally.

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