Personal Loans. Household Moans. Lenders Groan.

Lovell Minnick-backed Billhighway Acquires Impexium to Offer More Options to Member-Based Organizations

Lovell Minnick-backed Billhighway Acquires Impexium to Offer More Options to Member-Based Organizations

Are personal loans the greatest new thing, or simply a way to shift credit card debt?  This article in the Washington Post suggests the latter:

The big question is this: Why are loans growing at a faster pace than credit cards?  Sure, they are on a smaller base, but are we lending too much?

How long will this economic recovery last? No one knows but each day we are one day closer to the bust.

The focus on sub-prime is a concern.

The problem with unsecured, easy credit is that sooner or later, you will have to pay the piper!

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mecator Advisory Group

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