It Isn’t Post Quantum; Its Pre-Quantum You Need to Worry About

It Isn’t Post Quantum; Its Pre-Quantum You Need to Worry About

It Isn’t Post Quantum; Its Pre-Quantum You Need to Worry About

You know it is too late when there is bipartisan legislation on anything. And so it is with protecting our data against “harvest now, decrypt later” quantum security deployment as we stated here:

“Even though classical computers can’t break encryption now, our adversaries can still steal our data in the hopes of decrypting it later. That’s why I believe that the federal government must begin strategizing immediately about the best ways to move our encrypted data to algorithms that use post-quantum cryptography,” Khanna said.

Largely in response to the “harvest now, decrypt later” strategy among some hacking organizations, the bill calls on the director of OMB to work with the the Chief Information Officers Council to plan and assess current information technology networks and related risks within federal agencies, and advocate migration to post-quantum cryptography, pursuant to mandated NIST standards.

The bill also calls for the OMB director’s office to submit an annual report on post-quantum migration among agencies to Congress annually for nine years following the completion of new NIST cryptography standards.

“I’m optimistic about the power of quantum computing as part of the new technological frontier, but we must take preemptive steps to ensure bad actors aren’t able to use this technology in more sinister ways,” Mace commented. “I’m confident the Office of Management and Budget, working with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, will be capable of ensuring Americans are shielded from these threats before there’s no going back.”

Major private tech firms have supported the bill, including IBM, Google, QuSecure and Maybell Quantum.”

Overview by Tim Sloane, VP, Payments Innovation at Mercator Advisory Group

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