What Country Has the Highest Online Shopping Return Rate?

And the winner is...

What Country Has the Highest Online Shopping Return Rate?

E-commerce return rates have never been bigger, having grown by 95% over the past five years, while return deliveries are estimated to cost businesses $550 billion by 2020. WBE wanted to investigate this trend further, and paired their own research with data from Optoro (a returns optimization platform), UPS, the Reverse Logistics Association, PostNord, and noted commerce sites like nasdaq.com and shopify.com.

Online fashion giant ASOS, for example, estimates that 25% of UK women’s orders are returned, with this estimate rising to a massive 70% for orders in Germany. In December 2018, the company issued a profit warning citing increased discounting as part of its poor performance – a symptom of unmanageable return rates.

Key takeaways from the research and visualized on the infographic:-

Infographic proved by Website Builder Expert



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