Goldman Sachs: Ready to Rock in the Credit Card Industry

woman hand holding credit card

woman hand holding credit card close up

Often referred to as Goldmine Sachs, Goldman’s recent consumer play dubbed Marcus, after the German Investment banker , one of the founders of Wall Street, has been dabbling in the consumer credit business since their recent hiring of an executive from Discover Card.

They just upped the ante.

This is no boot-strapped FinTech startup.  They already have hit the consumer market hard, as measured by routine mailings for unsecured loans that hit my mailbox regularly.

Goldman does not have decades of consumer credit learning as have Bank of America, Capital One, Chase and Discover, but they hire brilliant people, have chutzpah in the market, and bottomless pockets.  You can always buy talent.

Maybe a gamechanger for 2018, or at least it should send some angst in Manhattan.

Overview by Brian Riley, Director, Credit Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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