Digital Seat Media seeks to link event engagement and digital wallets

QR Codes for Credit Cards digital wallets

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Texas based startup Digital Seat Media is seeking to use simple QR code technology to better engage attendees of live events, many of whom arrive at events unknown to the organizers, leaving organizers without a key connection to those attendees. Eric Fuller provides additional details in Forbes.

“Digital Seat Media is conducting a real time experiment which is gaining traction. They are placing QR codes, like that used by restaurants in place of menus, on the arm of every seat in the house. Whomever is seated there can scan the code to earn discounts, access to games and the prospect of rewards immediately or in the future.”

Even with the advent of digital ticketing, it is common for tickets to be grouped to one buyer or passed through intermediaries leaving a gap in data collected that can benefit both the promoter and venue for a series of post ticketing purchase decisions such as merchandise, food and beverage or transportation. Engaging the individual attendee on-site creates an opportunity to grow promotions, loyalty programs, ancillary purchases and other audience activities. The attendee benefits through a more enhanced experience while the venue and promoters collect valuable data that can create a lasting relationship with the previously unknown consumer. Fuller provides additional context:

“This is transformative. Once the code is scanned, the seat holder provides identification information to Digital Seat Media. That information is the key to then tracking their activity there and then, and again in the future at any other event in which DSM is in use. As a result, there is a real time opportunity to market to a person who is known at that event and whose prior interactions through DSM inform the offers which may be generated for them there, and again the future.”

The technology easily integrates into digital walleting, which as covered in my in-depth Mercator Advisory Group research report, Digital Wallets: Moving Beyond Payments With Expanding Options, shows the power of connecting payment and non-payment items within the digital wallet to provide consumers with a cohesive and comprehensive point of service within their mobile phone. Digital Seat Media has been proving this concept by partnering with Imagine Dragons on their latest tour:

“Imagine Dragons in conjunction with RedPegMarketing are employing DSM’s technology on their current tour for their VIP ticket holders. Those who scan the code and input their basic data are then in the mix for upgraded seats, backstage access, an artist meet and greet or merchandise offers.

To date, Imagine Dragons are seeing 30% of all VIP attendees engaging with the DSM platform, and 47% are then adding the Imagine Dragons’ VIP card to their mobile wallet. Those are very strong metrics.”

The high percentage of attendees adding their VIP card into their mobile wallet presents new and creative options that the band can utilize during the show, as noted above, but also facilitates a deeper and longer lasting relationship with their fans. From a commerce perspective the implications are massive, using simple technology of the QR code upfront to build a more permanent relationship that is anchored in the digital wallet which may allow for activities as simple as offering merchandise post show when purchased using their VIP card and stored cards or for future concert ticket pre-sales in a similar fashion. It’s also easy to see the opportunity DSM is targeting to move from live events into other captive audience settings such as rideshare, healthcare and education.

Overview by Jordan Hirschfield, Director of the Prepaid Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group.

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