Contactless Payment Acceptance Multiplies for Merchants

Contactless payment acceptance systems are revolutionizing the field of transactions. These channels are faster, easier, and more secure than traditional methods of payment, allowing customers to easily purchase products and services with the wave of their debit or credit card. What’s more, contactless payments also create tangible time-savings for businesses. By reducing the amount of time spent manually processing transactions flowing into their system, companies can dedicate more resources to meeting customer needs and needs other tasks.

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Data for today’s episode is provided by Mercator Advisory Group’s Blog – Contactless POS Payments Finally Ready For Prime Time

Contactless Payment Acceptance Multiplies for Merchants:

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Several years in the making, contactless payment cards are finally arriving in large numbers at mailboxes throughout the U.S., as domestic cardholders catch up with the rest of the world. But contactless goes beyond plastic cards, with mobile apps providing another payment option for consumers to choose. While COVID-19 has accelerated contactless in 2020, payment providers and merchants now see that no-contact POS transactions can be a differentiating strategy to engage and expand their customer base beyond the pandemic. 

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